I'm re-reading a book that inspired me years ago called 'Confessions of an Organized Homemaker.' I borrowed it from the library as a newlywed living in married student housing and was wowed by the suggestions and writing style that the author had. I even used it as inspiration for a class on household organizing that I taught (seriously?, I know!) for women at our church.
In browsing book titles at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore last week, I spotted an aged & yellowed copy of the book for only 50 cents. I began reading it during a long bath this morning and am totally inspired to make my home work better.
Right now I feel like every room is out of control. I've been using our mini remodeling projects as an excuse for things to be messy. But that is going to change TODAY. The author of the book reminded me that a plan and a neat, organized house frees you to do other things with your time. Sometimes it seems like it will tie us down; like we're a 'slave' to a clean house. I'm glad to be reminded that that is not the case. What a great day to launch this take-back-control-of-my-house-project. The sun is shining and I have the whole day off. AND a girls night out tonight!