Tuesday, May 12, 2009

{does a wannabe count?}


I'm re-reading a book that inspired me years ago called 'Confessions of an Organized Homemaker.'  I borrowed it from the library as a newlywed living in married student housing and was wowed by the suggestions and writing style that the author had.  I even used it as inspiration for a class on household organizing that I taught (seriously?, I know!) for women at our church.

In browsing book titles at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore last week, I spotted an aged & yellowed copy of the book for only 50 cents.  I began reading it during a long bath this morning and am totally inspired to make my  home work better. 

Right now I feel like every room is out of control.  I've been using our mini remodeling projects as an excuse for things to be messy.  But that is going to change TODAY.  The author of the book reminded me that a plan and a neat, organized house frees you to do other things with your time.  Sometimes it seems like it will tie us down; like we're a 'slave' to a clean house.  I'm glad to be reminded that that is not the case.  What a great day to launch this take-back-control-of-my-house-project.  The sun is shining and I have the whole day off.  AND a girls night out tonight!

5 love notes to me!:

Amy said...

Oooo that book sounds right up my alley! I'll have to see if I can get my hands on it. The lady I babysit for is always commenting on my house, she thinks I spend all my days cleaning. But it's just like you said, if it's organized, cleaning up is quick and it really does leave you lots of time to do other things. And it makes me feel happy!

Chambers Clan said...

I read that book too...from the library and I think got overwhelmed afterwards. I think we can all use a little help now and again. My neighbor who is an amazing "single" mom right now with 4 going on 5 kids (her husband just got a job in Maryland) always has a clean kitchen counter...I should know I'm the drop in neighbor everyday! Her motto is "it is easier to Keep up than to Catch up." I'm trying to follow in her footsteps (or should I say baby steps)! We sure love and miss you guys. Can't wait to hear about your camping trip!

Carol said...

I am so excited for your enrichment class!Let me know if you need any help. I have been waiting for this class forever. Love you!

Jenny said...

I love your house and all the changes/improvements you've made. I know this post is from awhile back, but I just wanted to check and see if you'd made an updates to your blog. You are an inspiration to me that we can decorate frugally and still have our homes be cute and functional! :)

Jena Webber said...

Hi! Thanks for coming to my blog! Nice to meet you!