Tuesday, May 12, 2009

{does a wannabe count?}


I'm re-reading a book that inspired me years ago called 'Confessions of an Organized Homemaker.'  I borrowed it from the library as a newlywed living in married student housing and was wowed by the suggestions and writing style that the author had.  I even used it as inspiration for a class on household organizing that I taught (seriously?, I know!) for women at our church.

In browsing book titles at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore last week, I spotted an aged & yellowed copy of the book for only 50 cents.  I began reading it during a long bath this morning and am totally inspired to make my  home work better. 

Right now I feel like every room is out of control.  I've been using our mini remodeling projects as an excuse for things to be messy.  But that is going to change TODAY.  The author of the book reminded me that a plan and a neat, organized house frees you to do other things with your time.  Sometimes it seems like it will tie us down; like we're a 'slave' to a clean house.  I'm glad to be reminded that that is not the case.  What a great day to launch this take-back-control-of-my-house-project.  The sun is shining and I have the whole day off.  AND a girls night out tonight!

Monday, May 4, 2009

{my house looks cuter}

Family Room, phase 1 006

I know I haven't posted forever, but there are several people who want to see the updates we're making to our house.  And...since inquiring minds want to see, here goes...

Family Room, phase 1 001


Family Room, phase 1 002 Family Room, phase 1 005


Family Room, phase 1 003 Family Room, phase 1 007

I painted our family room Palladian Blue from Benjamin Moore, above the chair rail.  It used to be a pale, buttery yellow.  The chocolate brown was done to go with the yellow.  The brown isn't staying for good.  We're going to put in a board and batten-type wainscoting all painted crisp white. All of the trim will be painted that same crisp white.

So here are some things on the horizon for this room (besides the wainscoting):

- Drop cloth drapes

- Area rug (something like this)

- Painting the sideboard/tv stand either white or pale gray

- Spray painting the goldish color lamps (not sure what color yet...probably white or tan-ish)

- Bamboo blinds

I am LOVING how this room is turning out.  If you've seen this room in it's before state, you'll know what a huge transformation has already taken place.  Mike rocked it, installing the laminate floors on Saturday.  I'll keep updating here as we make new changes.

Just for some perspective, here are some shots of my family room BEFORE:


The TV is now in front of this pass-through-window-thingy to the kitchen.  It makes the room look sooooo much larger.

P1010043 IMG_0010

Saturday, January 31, 2009


So I haven't posted in way too long.  Months, y'all.  And I've missed it.  So, I'm back.

I started working a part time job and love it, but during the getting-used-to-my-time-not-being-my-own-anymore adjustment period, I didn't feel like I could spare any brain power on blogging.  I know that sounds lame, but it is what it is.

My new goal for my home and life is to be deliberate.  Instead of reacting to life, I want to make it happen the way I want it to.  I'm talking about things I can control here, like my house.  I'm sick of it being in perpetual upheaval.  I can control that if I choose to. 

I'll share more about my movement towards 'deliberacy' in the future.  {I know that isn't a word, but I like it}.   For now, here is some inspiration for you and me.

Simple-storage-pic2 row

How cute are these?  Check out this great blog post for some cuter-than-a-label-maker ways to label your stuff.  She sells decorative vinyl.  I've never purchased any, but have been drooling over it for a while.