So I haven't posted in way too long. Months, y'all. And I've missed it. So, I'm back.
I started working a part time job and love it, but during the getting-used-to-my-time-not-being-my-own-anymore adjustment period, I didn't feel like I could spare any brain power on blogging. I know that sounds lame, but it is what it is.
My new goal for my home and life is to be deliberate. Instead of reacting to life, I want to make it happen the way I want it to. I'm talking about things I can control here, like my house. I'm sick of it being in perpetual upheaval. I can control that if I choose to.
I'll share more about my movement towards 'deliberacy' in the future. {I know that isn't a word, but I like it}. For now, here is some inspiration for you and me.
How cute are these? Check out this great blog post for some cuter-than-a-label-maker ways to label your stuff. She sells decorative vinyl. I've never purchased any, but have been drooling over it for a while.
6 love notes to me!:
Welcome back!
Yea! You're back! I almost removed you from blogroll the other day thinking you had given it up. So glad that ya didn't!
Welcome back!!! I've missed you. I hope everything is going well with you and your family. I'm so happy that you like your job. I think being more deliberate in your life is a great idea and I think I'm going to need to steal your idea and become more deliberate in my own life. Love you all!!!
Girl, I almost cried reading your comment. YES... every mother/homemaker has a moment when they look around the house and say, "hmmm... this ought to be easier." I would LOVE to help any way I can. I cannot profess to be perfect but I got me a little dirt on my elbows and some experience under my belt (and flab over the top of it) and if I can share it with someone who needs it.. Whoo hoo... it won't all have been in vain.
Dilberate is a great word. I think you hit the nail on the head. Acting instead of re-acting... doing things for a cause instead of just doing them. Great idea.
Keep up the good work and feel free to give me a hollar any time! Fun jars by the way! I would love to decorate with my cooking supplies out but... with 8 we use up a canister of flour just for pancakes! I have a 5 gallon bucket full of flour, another for sugar, and brown sugar... you get the idea. Crazy:)
Take care! Great post!
Pretty Organizer
Good luck on your job. Do you enjoy it? I have been a slacker on the blog too. We went down to dial up and I don't have the patience to wait for 1 hour for a picture to download. I do spend more time with the kids now. One great thing for all of us is "5 minute clean-up" Dave got me a timer for Christmas and we take it into each room and set it for min. So we have that long to get the rooms picked up (that excludes dishes, vaccuuming etc.) I've found that this motivates my kids as well as myself, and we can get the house picked up in 30 minutes! The next day it didn't even take 5 minutes to clean the rooms, because they stayed pretty clean from the day before. I'll let you know if it works in a month;)
Hi Jen,
We wanted to let you know about our new site:
Mommy Giggles is a site where moms submit funny pictures to share with other moms to get a giggle out of. They can either be pictures of their kids or of other hilarious “mommy moments”
We are contacting you to see if you have a funny picture that we could post – we would of course give you the credit, and also post your blog (if you want). There is also a $25 Amazon Gift card drawing to everyone who submits a photo each month.
We also would appreciate if you could spread the word about our site to other moms too!
We hope you will get a “giggle” out of our site.
Warmest Regards,
Heather Matthews & Heidi Werry
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