Friday, September 19, 2008

{weekly weigh in}

Remember that I'm wanting to be hot for the holidays?  Well - I'm planning on posting my loss each week when I weigh myself on Fridays.  I forgot to post last week.  

Last week, I had a huge loss of 6.5 pounds.  I hadn't weighed myself since before I broke my ankle, so it had probably been all in the month since then that the weight was lost.

And this week, I had a 1.5 pound loss.  Yay!

So 8 pounds down so far!!!!!

Be sure to scroll down to see my wonderful, phenomenal 101st post extolling my love of all things Across the Universe.

{101st post - across the universe}

101 Things About My New Obsession: Across the Universe

FYI - this is my 101st post on this here blog and was bullied encouraged to write a better post to commemorate this monumentous event!  I've already done the meme listing 100 things about me.  So here's this unique 101st post for ya.  I had to be a bit different.

  1. When the movie was released in October of 2007 I had no desire to see this movie.
  2. I thought it looked way too weird/strange/generally acid-tripping from the previews.
  3. Actually, I had to look up the release date on because I didn't even remember exactly when it was new.
  4. You want some background on me for a minute?...
  5. OK - I had a Beatles phase in college.
  6. It was after a trip to Vegas and spending some time in a cool memorobelia shop in Caesar's Palace.
  7. A guy friend that I worked with was really into The Beatles so it kind of just happened.
  8. It is such timeless music that it is sort of inevitable, really.
  9. Another reason it was inevitable is that my mom loves them.
  10.  I mean, really loves them!
  11.  Like, she's loved them ever since she was a kid and would cry at night because she loved Paul so much and didn't think she'd ever get to see him in person.
  12. Back then, she promised herself that if her kids ever had a music love, crush, obsession that she would try to indulge them in that love.
  13. That is why I saw NKOTB in concert 5 times. 
  14. Yes.  I said FIVE times.
  15. I know.  I'm lucky, right?
  16. Fast forward to several years ago when my mom got to see a PAUL concert.  Seriously.  All of her dreams came true.  
  17. To this day, when she hears Paul singing on the radio or in a public place she stops...and reflects on the fact that she was actually in the same room as he was...breathing the same air as Paul McCartney!
  18. My sister, Emily, who is a few years younger than I am has an unhealthy tremendous love for The Beatles as well.
  19. That is another reason why, when the movie came out, we just didn't see it.
  20. I mean, it was like sacrilidge...all these young people singing Beatles songs...who did they think they were?
  21. Even though we are lovers of all things musical, especially show choir, plays and movies that include music.
  22. Seriously...we are there on opening day when wonderful musical plays are made into movies.  We love them.
  23. But we just weren't going to go there with ATU.  (That's what real lovers of this movie call it - Across the Universe).
  24. Then I broke my ankle this past August and had a ton of time on my hands.
  25. ATU was available to watch on our On Demand cable movie channel.
  26. I thought...what the heck? I'll just watch it for a minute and see what all the buzz was about.
  27. After all...I have a ton of time on my hands. 
  28. Jim Sturgess immediately caught my attention with the opening song set on the beach.  
  29. He sang "Girl"...on the beach...with a Brittish accent...looking straight at the camera...and spoke right directly to my heart.
  30. I couldn't turn it off.
  31. I didn't want to, either.
  32. Ok - I admit there are some strange acid-tripping parts in this movie depicting the late 60's, but seriously...doesn't that seem to fit in with that time period?
  33. Then...there was this scene in the bowling alley where he sang "I've Just Seen A Face" and I fell even deeper in love with every nuance of his movement. 
  34.'re right...I am happily married (today is actually our 11th anniversary...yay!)
  35. I was born in 1976, so did not live to experience any part of the 60's.  But I appreciate the insight this movie gives me into that time.
  36. I is just a musical...but I can't help it...strong emotions are evoked by certain parts of the movie.
  37. Lots of historical events are touched on and covered in the movie.
  38. Like the Vietnam war.
  39. And the protests that went along with it.
  40. Also the feelings of the families and friends who had loved ones fighting there.
  41. And the fact that some of them didn't make it home.
  42. Racial contention was also touched on in the movie.
  43. In a touching scene set to "Let It Be."
  44. On a much happier note, this movie introduced me to the scrumpteousness that is Jim Sturgess.  His character's name is Jude.
  45. And Joe Anderson. Joe plays Jim's friend, Max.
  46. And since I've recently devoured the imdb's archives on this movie, I think I'll share with you some of the things that I found interesting.
  47. If you're not as crazy about this movie as I am, you might think these morsels of information are ridiculously boring.  Not me...
  48. Joe Anderson originally tried out for the part of Jude, but once he read the script, he decided that he was more of a "Max."
  49. Max is American & Joe does a knock-out job on his American accent.
  50. So much of the details in this movie correspond or were inspired by actual events in the life of The Beatles, even though the movie's storyline isn't about them.
  51. All the names of the main characters come from Beatles songs.
  52. Jude is from "Hey Jude."
  53. Max is from "Maxwell's Silver Hammer."
  54. Lucy is from "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
  55. Prudence is from "Dear Prudence."
  56. Jo Jo is mentioned in the song "Get Back."
  57. Sadie is the main event in "Sexy Sadie."
  58. Back to the other intersting tidbits...
  59. A club where Jude is seen near the beginning of the movie is called The Cavern, in Liverpool, where the Beatles played in the 60's.
  60. There's a scene where Sadie's band plays on the rooftop of their recording label's building.  This is a clear reference to The Beatles' last public performance that took place on the rooftop of the building of their record label.
  61. Sadie's record company is named "Strawberry Jamz."  This is a reference to the Beatles record company - "Apple Corps."
  62. There are several parts in the movie that I almost always rewind and play a few times in a row. 
  63. One is the bowling alley scene...YUM!
  64. Depending on my mood, I might watch the opening scene on the beach again, or the part on the streets of Liverpool with Jude and his Brit girlfriend where he sings "All My Lovin'."
  65. One of my favorite things I learned while I casually fervently watched Jim Sturgess interviews on YouTube is that...
  67. Sorry that I yelled for a minute, but seriously...the movie versions of the song are the way they sang them right then and there acting the scene.
  68. Can you believe that?
  69. I am in awe.
  70. There is a crazy Beatles song called "For the Benefit of Mr. Kite" that is inserted into the psychodelic part of the film.  
  71. My kid's saw that part and thought that I must be crazy for watching such a weird movie.
  72. Maybe I am.
  73. If I am, then I don't want to be not crazy.
  74. By the way, Lucy reminds me a lot of pictures I've seen of my mom during her high school years.
  75. She graduated in 1971.
  76. Lucy starts out as kind of a goody-two-shoes preppy girl...
  77. And ends up in Grenwich Villiage...kind of not so goody-two-shoes.
  78. My mom was more like the first Lucy.
  79. There are lots of cameos throughout the movie.
  80. You've got Selma Hayek.
  81. Joe Cocker.
  82. Bono.
  83. A movie commenter on imdb thought the movie was the love child of Moulin Rogue and Hairspray.
  84. I guess I can see that.
  85. Sadie's character is supposed to "parallel" Janis Joplin.
  86. Jo Jo is "like unto" Jimi Hendrix.
  87. Jude is thought of as a compilation of John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
  88. I see it.
  89. Did I mention I adore him?
  90. Also, that I have some new Jim wallpaper on my laptop?
  91. Evan Rachel Woods plays Lucy in the film. 
  92. She also dates Marilyn Manson in real life.
  93. Yuck!
  94. Please don't hold that against this film.
  95. Have I convinced you to see it yet?
  96. I'll be seein' ya later.
  97. I have to go watch ATU again.
  98. Wanna join me?
  99. We'll pop some popcorn and make a night of it!
  100. Will you come back for my 102nd post?
  101. I promise it won't be as long as this! :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

{my 100th post!}

OK - so here's the deal. I've been stewing over what kind of phenomenal 100th post I could write for almost a week. You know...creative, witty, entertaining, and all-around wonderful. Therefore...I've been avoiding posting on this blog until I came up with the perfect post. The problem is this: I got nothin'.

So I would like to commemorate my 100th post with a big 'ol WOO-HOO! Would you like to join me? Come on now...everyone together..."WOO-HOO!"

I'll be back real soon with somethin' good. I promise. :)

P.S. My pantry got cleaned out yesterday. Yay! I'll get some pictures up here soon. My cute daughter and her friend helped me.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

{out & about}

Whew! I've had quite a day. I was a bit grumpy this morning after the kids left for school. I was grumpy to my hubby and my mom over the phone. I didn't want to be, but I was. Sorry guys. Anyway, my mom decided to come kidnap me in order to change my surroundings. That was a great idea. Since I was actually leaving the house, I begged her to take me to the Goodwill. My dad ended up coming along as well. I love a good outing with my parents.

I got my husband some clothes since he's dropping pounds like crazy. I also found some plates to spray paint. Don't worry...I'll post before and afters once I get it done...hopefully this week.

After Goodwill, my mom needed to go home for a while, so Dad took me to lunch. It was so good to be out and I love going to lunch with my Daddy. I guess I'm still a kid at heart. In a grown-up's body. With a broken ankle.

My hubby worked from home the second half of the day so I didn't even have to be home in time for the school bus. Mom, Dad & I watched my new movie obsession, Across the Universe. Then my friend Amy came to pick me up.

Amy is the only friend from high school that I still keep in touch with. I love me some Amy, that's for sure. No matter how long it has been since we've talked, it is always exactly the same. Just like we've talked everyday. We had a yummy take out dinner and she showed me her cute new rental house. We did a lot of catch-up talking and watched a little DVR'ed Oprah. What a great night.

All in all, I had a wonderful day! I'm so glad I am not grumpy anymore. I'm too tired to be grumpy anyway. I've done more moving and shaking today than I've done since I broke that darn ankle.

Thanks everyone for helping me have a great, fun day! Especially hubby for coming home so I could go out. That guy really rocks and I love him tons!

Monday, September 8, 2008

{a simple woman's daybook ~ journal entry}

FOR TODAY August 4, 2008

Outside my the cool evening air that I am so thankfully taking in. I'm actually writing this on Sunday evening. For no reason other than that I am so thoroughly enjoying sitting on the screened in porch that I thought it would be a perfect time to reflect by writing this post.

I am thankful for...this laptop. That seems like such a material thing to be thankful for, but this beloved machine coupled with wireless internet has provided hours upon hours upon days of entertainment and enjoyment for me while moving around very much isn't quite easy.

From the kitchen...I've been enjoying hamburgers cooked on the grill by my cutie-pie husband. This week, we've nibbled on inhaled dinners lovingly prepared for our family by my mom, my grandma, and my friend Christina. Thanks so much everyone!

I am usual wardrobe of late. If I'm not in jammies, I've got on a comfy T-shirt and a pair of knit/yoga-type pants. Tonight it is the latter choice. Jeans or fitted shorts are out of the question due to the cast.

I am creating...nothing right now. But I've spied with my little eyes a darling fall project in the blogosphere that I plan on making this week. Check out my picture thought at the bottom of this post for a pic and a link! :)

I am be staying at home, mostly. But any outing I am priveliged to enjoy is surely a time of celebration!

I am reading...Pride & Prejudice. Halelujah! I shared in a previous daybook entry that despite majoring in English in college, I never did read any of Jane Austen's masterpieces. I have since begun to remedy that malady. (Wow...that sentence was a little much). I started with Northanger Abbey and was not disappointed. My sister, found a compilation of 3 of Ms. Austen's works whilst she was cleaning her room the other day. This same sister made persuaded me to watch the long PBS version of the movie several years ago. Be still my heart. I still love Colin Firth to this day thanks to his role as Mr. Darcy. Thanks babe (sister of mine & Mr. Darcy)! I sure do appreciate it!

I am get some things checked off of my list. Things I CAN do, like organize the pantry (with a little help), and write some thank you notes.

I am hearing...the wonderful noises that happen outside in the evening while sitting on my back porch in the summer. Around here it still feels like summer during the day. But it is about 8:30pm, so it is nice and cool out here now. Did I mention how much I am enjoying myself on my screened porch?!!

A picture thought I'd like to share...

(Go here to visit Cherry's Jubilee, whom I've shamlessly borrowed this picture from.)

For more, go here.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

{you wanna be hot for the holidays? me too!}

I am joining in on a great challenge I discovered over at 5 minutes for mom today that I'm pretty excited about.

My hubby has dropped major pounds this summer by cutting his carbs way down. He's been trying to get me motivated to change my eating habits, but I just wasn't mentally there yet. My broken ankle is going to make this challenge extra challenging, since I can't really exercise, but I'm up for it. I can definitely change the way I eat, broken bones or not.

So I'm about you? You wanna be hot for the holidays too?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

{kid's school lunches}

So today is the first day of school in our neck of the woods. It involves a ton of preparation so the mornings run smoothly around here. The 7:30am school bus comes awfully early! So the more things I can get done before the morning, the better.

I've been enjoying posts like this and this that have really got me thinking about what I can do ahead of time. The kids and I spent some time creating a master list for school lunches broken into 3 categories: main dishes, fruits/veggies, and snacks. The list is upstairs and I'm down, so I'll give you a sample list from my brain (its scary in there, I know).

Main Dishes

  • spaghetti-o's
  • chicken salad sandwich or crackers (will be referred to as s/c)
  • tuna salad s/c
  • egg salad s/c
  • pb & j sandwich
  • turkey, ham, or bologna sandwich
  • homemade lunchable
  • leftovers
  • bagel & cream cheese


  • apple
  • applesauce
  • oranges
  • mandarin oranges
  • banana
  • cold veggies & ranch (carrots, celery)
  • fruit salad

Snack (salty treat or dessert-type treat)

  • crackers
  • nabs crackers
  • chex mix
  • homemade quick breads (banana, zuccini, pumpkin)
  • cookies
  • homemade muffins
  • chips

Remember, this is just a sample list of some of the things I remember from our custom list. I have been a menu/meal planner for quite a while now...really since I've been married (our 11 year anniversary is this month!). But for some reason, I've only pre-planned and written out our dinners. Never breakfasts or lunches. But I am going to add that into the planning session from now on. It is going to be so freeing not to have to "dream up" what to pack in the kids' lunches each morning. It will already be decided...AAAND...I'll have everything in the house, because those ingredients will have been added to my grocery list during that planning session. Some of those items might already be pre-prepared, packaged up, and frozen. Seriously...such a simple solution, but something I hadn't done, nonetheless.

For more kitchen tips, head over to Tammy's Recipes.

Blog notes: the cute picture is a bento lunch . I'm going to be learning more about that type of packing method soon!